Christ-Centered, Quality Education

The purpose of Racine Christian School is to provide a Christ-​centered, quality education which will equip God’s children to ​function as Christians in society, church and home.​ Since 1929, ​RCS has worked toward this end. Our heritage, charter and ​governance are closely tied to the Reformed faith and our ​current enrollment includes families from over thirty-six ​different denominations.

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Racine Christian School provides children with a Christ-centered education that
encourages Biblical learning, growth, and service.


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"Fore the Kids" Golf Classic

Mark your calendars and join us for a great day of golf! We are pleased to invite you to Racine Christian School’s “Fore the Kids,” Golf Classic which will be ...

Bobcat Basketball

The RCS basketball team is on fire this season, and our energetic Lady Bobcat cheerleaders are cheering them on to victory. Want to be a part of the action? Check ...

Racine Christian School Bobcats

"As parents of two children at Racine ​Christian School, we couldn't be happier ​with the education and environment they're ​receiving. They thrive with the personalized attention they have received and ​that's helped them excel academically. ​They’ve blossomed in their faith thanks to ​the strong Christian foundation woven into ​every aspect of school life. RCS has become ​a true second home for our family."

- Current Parent

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