Friends of RCS

Racine Christian School PTO GroupThe RCS PTO is a service group made up of parents and other adults who are interested in enhancing their children's education. The PTO meets quarterly, usually on the second Tuesday when school is in session, to meet others, build community, encourage one another, plan events, or express ideas.

- The Christmas Shop, where students can purchase a Christmas present for a special loved one specially picked out by the student- Mid December

-Teacher Appreciation Week - First Full week in May

Each year, the PTO sponsors a variety of fund raising projects to help with general expenses which could be used towards items like textbooks, curriculum materials, playground equipment and other ‘extras’ that are not covered by tuition. If you are a parent or supporter of RCS, you are a member of the PTO. That means that God is entrusting you, along with your Christian brothers and sisters, with the stewardship of RCS.

Please see the calendar page for meeting dates and times.